Formula Singularitatis
“We, unworthy servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, hereby make a common confession in the holy sight of Jehovah, pledging ourselves by this sworn covenant to follow God in all the days of our life and to serve him continually, by His power, even unto the day of our death. We take this vow to the glory of God and in recognition of the great things He hath done with our sinful and loathesome souls in England. We regard it as our duty—wherever we may live and whenever the day of our death may come—that we, as true members of Christ, shall work for each other’s salvation, and willingly submitting ourselves to this covenant, we give liberty one another to counsel, rebuke and build each other. If anyone of us would seek the things of this world rather than the glory of Christ and each other’s salvation, that man shall be regarded as an apostate who is doomed to damnation.”
“In order that we may have the power to fulfil this covenant we shall pray unceasingly and guard each other faithfully.”
“May the God of heaven and the Saviour of our soul, our Lord Jesus Christ, give us salvation. Amen.”
“Whenever a good opportunity presents itself we shall be willing to renew this covenant.”
“John [János] Tolnai, Stephen [István] Mohácsi, Matthias [Mátyás] Újházi, Michael [Mihály] Ungvári, Daniel [Dániel] Kolosi, Benedict [Benedek] Szikszai, John [János] Molnár, John [János] Kuthi, Paul [Pál] Keserüi, Nicholas [Miklós] Kecskeméthi.”
“Lord, give us Thy help lest Satan should take us captive and by breaking this covenant we should perish forever. O Lord, Thou knowest our infirmity: strengthen us and let us not be tested beyond our power for we are earthen vessels which perish easily. In all our tribulations show us graciously the way of deliverance and help us to withstand all our temptations.
For the sake of Thy holy Son, our only Lord and Mediator. Hasten to our help. Amen.” 1
1: Quoted from Alexander [Sándor] Czeglédy, The Hungarian Puritans in: Donald Maclean, John Macleod et al., eds., The Evangelical Quarterly, Ibid., pp. 65--66.
How can you get saved?
"Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household." Acts. 16:31